Dear Parents and Guardians of 3rd and 6th Year students,
Mock Exams for 3rd and 6th Years will commence over the coming weeks.
3rd Year Exams will start on Monday 10th February till Friday 14th February
6th Year Exams will start on Tuesday 4th February till Friday 14th February
9A LCA Exam will start on Tuesday 11th February till Thursday 13th February
All students are expected to be in school for an exam start at 8:50am sharp each day.
Please click the desired links below to access your daughter's year groups timetable.
3rd Year Mock Timetable
6th Year Mock Timetable
9A Mock Timetable
A letter relating to important exam information will be sent home with your daughter over the coming days.
It is important students are aware of their timetable and use it to better help them study and prepare for their exams.
Thank you,
Ms. Doyle